25 research outputs found

    Quasi-stability of the primary flow in a cone and plate viscometer

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    We investigate the flow between a shallow rotating cone and a stationary plate. This cone and plate device is used in rheometry, haemostasis as well as in food industry to study the properties of the flow w.r.t. shear stress. Physical experiments and formal computations show that close to the apex the flow is approximately azimuthal and the shear-stress is constant within the device, the quality of the approximation being controlled essentially by the single parameter Re ε2, where Re is the Reynolds number and ε the thinness of the cone-plate gap. We establish this fact by means of rigorous energy estimates and numerical simulations. Surprisingly enough, this approximation is valid though the primary flow is not itself a solution of the Navier-Stokes equations, and it does not even fulfill the correct boundary conditions, which are in this particular case discontinuous along a line, thus not allowing for a usual Leray solution. To overcome this difficulty we construct a suitable corrector

    Existence of travelling-wave solutions and local well-posedness of the Fowler equation

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    We study the existence of travelling-waves and local well-posedness in a subspace of Cb1(R)C_b^1(\mathbb{R}) for a nonlinear evolution equation recently proposed by Andrew C. Fowler to study the dynamics of dunes.Comment: 21 page

    In\'egalit\'es de Poincar\'e cin\'etiques

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    In this note we prove Poincar\'e type inequalities for a family of kinetic equations. We apply this inequality to the variational solution of a linear kinetic model

    A non-monotone conservation law for dune morphodynamics

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    26 pInternational audienceWe investigate a non-local non linear conservation law, first introduced by A.C. Fowler to describe morphodynamics of dunes, see \cite{Fow01, Fow02}. A remarkable feature is the violation of the maximum principle, which allows for erosion phenomenon. We prove well-posedness for initial data in L2L^2 and give explicit counterexample for the maximum principle. We also provide numerical simulations corroborating our theoretical results

    Simultaneous denoising and enhancement of signals by a fractal conservation law

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    In this paper, a new filtering method is presented for simultaneous noise reduction and enhancement of signals using a fractal scalar conservation law which is simply the forward heat equation modified by a fractional anti-diffusive term of lower order. This kind of equation has been first introduced by physicists to describe morphodynamics of sand dunes. To evaluate the performance of this new filter, we perform a number of numerical tests on various signals. Numerical simulations are based on finite difference schemes or Fast and Fourier Transform. We used two well-known measuring metrics in signal processing for the comparison. The results indicate that the proposed method outperforms the well-known Savitzky-Golay filter in signal denoising. Interesting multi-scale properties w.r.t. signal frequencies are exhibited allowing to control both denoising and contrast enhancement

    On a stochastic partial differential equation with non-local diffusion

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    In this paper, we prove existence, uniqueness and regularity for a class of stochastic partial differential equations with a fractional Laplacian driven by a space-time white noise in dimension one. The equation we consider may also include a reaction term

    Contributions à l'étude de quelques équations aux dérivées partielles, en mécanique des fluides et en génie côtier.

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    I summarize the research papers performed after my PhD. They belong to three domains :1-asymptotic analysis of Navier-Stokes equations.2-Optimal design of structures minimizing water waves impact in order to control coastal erosion.3-analysis of PDE with non local terms arising in dune morphodynamics.Je présente essentiellement les travaux réalisés depuis ma thèse. Ils se classent en trois thèmes:Analyse asymptotique des équations de Navier-Stokes,Optimisation de forme d'ouvrages de lutte contre l'érosion du littoral,Etude d'équations aux dérivées partielles comportant des termes non-locaux.Dans le thème 1, je développe la justification mathématique de l'approximation hydrostatique pour les fluides géophysiques à faible quotient d'aspect, hypothèse couramment vérifiée en océanographie et en météorologie. C'est un problème de perturbation singulière. Je présente également l'étude théorique et numérique de l'écoulement cône-plan, utilisé en hématologie-hémostase pour le sang de patients. Il s'agit d'un problème de couche limite singulière.Le thème 2 concerne le génie côtier. Les ouvrages utilisés tels que épis, brise-lames, enrochements sont de forme trop rudimentaire. Leur efficacité peut être améliorée significativement si leur forme est optimisée pour réduire l'énergie dissipée par la houle dans la zone proche-littorale. Nous optimisons aussi la forme de géotextiles immergés. Ce travail, réalisé dans le cadre de la thèse de Damien Isèbe, a reçu le soutien de l'ANR (projet COPTER) et s'effectue en partenariat avec le laboratoire Géosciences Montpellier et l'entreprise Bas-Rhône-Languedoc ingénierie (Nîmes).Dans le thème 3, nous prouvons existence, unicité et régularité de solutions pour l'équation de la chaleur fractionnaire, perturbée par un bruit blanc. C'est une équation aux dérivées partielles stochastique.Nous prouvons enfin un résultat d'existence, unicité et dépendance continue pour une loi de conservation non linéaire, comportant un terme non local, qui modélise l'évolution d'un profil de dune immergée. L'intérêt mathématique est que l'équation ne vérifie pas le principe du maximum mais possède néanmoins un effet régularisant

    On a stochastic partial differential equation with non-local diffusion

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    International audienceIn this paper, we prove existence, uniqueness and regularity for a class of stochastic partial differential equations with a fractional Laplacian driven by a space-time white noise in dimension one. The equation we consider may also include a reaction term